

Australasia's ONLY Aesthetic Dentistry Conference

AesthetiCon reinvents the concept of what a dental conference should be, making it as entertaining as it is educational.

AesthetiCon is a conference focused entirely on the field of Aesthetic and Facial Rejuvenation Dentistry, an art and science that continues to rapidly evolve and is in great demand by patients. While not a specialty in itself, Aesthetic Dentistry is certainly now deserving of its own conference.

AesthetiCon is based on 2 vital ingredients:

  • An unrivaled line-up of international and local talent, delivering spell-binding presentations and workshops
  • A fun-filled, out-of-the-box, progressive experience delivered through an imaginative theme

Aestheticon goes on SAFARI in 2023!

The exciting AesthetiCon is going deep in to the jungles of Aesthetic Dentistry in 2023.

Following the huge success of the "Circus" theme in 2015 and our "Airline" theme in 2017, our 2023 event will see us exploring all aspects of Aesthetic Dentistry with an adventurous and fun-filled "Safari" theme.

For more information or to view images from previous events & to register your interest for 2023, visit:


A logo for a circus called aesthetic con
A logo for a conference called aesthetic con airlines
A wooden sign with a giraffe , flamingo , parrot and flowers on it.
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