
Skin Care Rejuvenation & Training Courses

Skin Care Rejuvenation & Training Courses

Prevention is Better than Cure

Skin health and aesthetics always go hand in hand. With 2 in 3 Australian adults developing skin cancer before the age of 75, skin health and aesthetics have become primary health concerns and an area in which Australian and New Zealand Dentists & Dental Teams are able to take a lead role in prevention and care.

As the only health professionals who work closely with the face every minute of everyday, Dentists have a duty to assist patients to achieve optimal skin health, and in turn aesthetics, across the dento-facial region. While Botox injections and dermal fillers will treat specific problems, they are simply two techniques amidst a plethora of facial rejuvenation procedures required to achieve optimal skin health and aesthetics.

As with tooth-brushing for oral health, Dentists & Dental Teams can start by counselling patients on the role of good nutrition, exercise, staying out of the sun and use of appropriate home care products in order to achieve the best results from facial rejuvenation therapies.

Botox and Dermal Fillers will do nothing to improve the “quality” or health of skin. Pigmentation, sun damage, broken capillaries, scars, fine and static lines will all remain and detract from the overall picture. Dentists & Dental Teams in Australia and New Zealand can now learn to incorporate procedures like microdermabrasion, chemical peels, lasers, IPL, PRP, PDO Mono Threads and skin tightening devices into their practice. Undergoing AADFA Skin Rejuvenation Training will allow Dentists & Dental Teams to achieve optimal results for patients while increasing the success of their practice.

Owing to superior knowledge of facial anatomy; daily practical experience dealing with the functional and aesthetic aspects of the muscles of the face; and an ability to provide accurate and comfortable injections; Dentists are among the most qualified people to be providing Dermal Therapies after training courses with AADFA.

Uses for Skin Rejuvenation after Training in Australia & New Zealand

Here’s just some of what an AADFA Trained Dentist & Dental Team can do ...

A before and after photo of a woman 's face
A before and after photo of a woman 's face
A before and after picture of a woman 's face
A before and after picture of a woman 's face with acne

AADFA Skin Care & Rejuvenation courses for Dentists & Dental Teams- Australia & New Zealand

AADFA prides itself on being a world leader and pioneer in training Dentists & Dental Teams in the field of Facial Rejuvenation Dentistry. Through the development of our Skin Care & Rejuvenation courses for Dentists & Dental Teams we are the only organisation in Australasia dedicated to upholding professional standards in this new area of Dentistry and do so by offering a complete series of facial health and rejuvenation training courses, together with the necessary after-training support and mentorship for you to succeed.

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