What is FIBER ...
Utilising AADFA's innovative, practical blended learning format, FIBER is AADFA's revolutionary program to combat Skin Laxity and skin deterioration.
FIBER is a world-leading, highly focused program, providing extensive mentoring and support to ensure you achieve mastery in some of the most cutting edge techniques in the field of Dento-facial rejuvenation; developing clinical competency and a safe, effective & successful practice.
Combining hours of vital online theoretical learning with robust "hands-on" practical training, FIBER introduces Dentists to the world of Polydioxanone (PDO) threads or sutures.
Traditionally, the only reliable approach for loose skin or skin laxity issues was to wait until the problem was serious enough to warrant undergoing surgical repositioning (“facelifts”, “bletheroplasty”), with expensive therapies such as Focused Ultrasound and Radiofrequency only able to be used for mild cases and proving largely unreliable. PDO Threads now offer a simple, cost- effective, non-surgical, injectable alternative for skin laxity issues, as well as being able to improve the condition of the skin itself.
Following online learning, theoretical assessment and teleconferencing sessions with the amazing AADFA Trainer Team, participants choose to attend either a scheduled regular group practical training session or to upgrade to a premium, private practical training session in their own clinic.
What you will learn during FIBER ...
AADFA's patented "Concentrated Lift" technique - a world first in Facial Aesthetics! |
Philosophy of PDO thread lift facial rejuvenation procedures |
In-Depth Anatomy for PDO thread lifts |
Safe and effective procedures, protocols and equipment for performing PDO thread lifts |
Material Science and Physiology behind PDO thread lifts |
Potential contra-indications, complications & side effects – how to avoid and manage them |
Necessary Treatment records, photography & consent |
The Business of Facial Thread Lifting – how to market, how to charge - from the unique dental business perspective |
Threads that act like filler - only safer! |
What is FIBER about ...
While numerous factors contribute to the appearance and severity of Facial Ageing and skin breakdown in an individual (eg. smoking, gravity, medication, sun exposure, stress, poor nutrition, pattern of facial muscle activity etc), the process of facial deterioration is fairly predictable and follows a pattern. We see the skin itself undergo structural changes, losing Collagen and Elastin, as well as losing volume and support from underlying fat, muscle and bony layers. This all leads to a visible “Descent” of the facial tissues. This “sagging” results in the skin becoming loose and irregular with creases, folds and the development of depressed eyebrows, as well as jowls and unsightly jawline and necks.
The use of Botox, Dermal Fillers and other therapies is of limited benefit if the facial tissues have descended to an unnatural position. For the majority of facial rejuvenation cases, PDO threads should be used early to reposition and strengthen the proper location of anatomical structures, prior to enhancing them with other techniques. FIBER is the only course of it’s kind in the world and is heavily “hands-on” and practical. AADFA is responsible for registering the first of these ground-breaking Korean PDO thread products in Australasia and for ensuring Dental Practices lead the field, such that these treatments now create a unique opportunity for dental practices to get ahead of the game and create a real point of difference from the clinic down the road!
PDO treatments offer many solutions for deteriorating skin and facial contours. As a skin rejuvenation therapy, PDO threads can be used to address fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improving skin tone and texture, anywhere on the face and neck. With their mechanical “lifting” effect, threads can aid in cheek and mid-face enhancement; treat jowls and enhance jawlines; offer solutions for nose augmentations and brow lifts; and improve the appearance of double chins, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. FIBER will teach you the material science, physiology, philosophy and relevant anatomy for facial thread lift procedures. Safe and effective protocols will be discussed, along with how to avoid and manage potential contra-indications, complications & side effects.
In order to maximise practical learning, participants arrange their own patients to attend practical training & complete practical assessment. This approach allows participants to actively review and follow-up the treated patients, which is invaluable for learning - it is of no educational value if patients are provided for you and you never see them again!
Detailed guidance is provided on appropriate patient selection and the AADFA team will ensure proper informed consent is obtained prior to practical training.
Participants in AADFA programs will be required to pass both theoretical and practical assessments in order to gain certification. If sufficient competency is not achieved to attain certification, AADFA will work with the practitioner to identify short-comings and develop skills to then RESIT the competency assessment at no additional fee.
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