

Specialised Training


Comprehensive Teeth Whitening Training for the Entire Dental Team

A picture of a woman 's teeth and the words fluorescence

What is FLUORESCE ...

Open to ALL members of the Dental Team, FLUORESCE  is a training program which runs to the core of any modern aesthetic dental practice and represents the pinnacle of AADFA's Complete Dento-Facial Health and Rejuvenation approach - blending the teeth & face in a single treatment.

Utilising AADFA's innovative, practical blended learning format, FLUORESCE teaches the clinical tips, tricks and best practice of all forms of teeth whitening, together with the best business strategies to make teeth whitening a strong revenue source in your practice - focusing on practical strategies for success as well as outlining the theory underpinning teeth whitening techniques.

Following online learning and teleconferencing sessions with the amazing AADFA Trainer Team, participants will be primed to revitalise the teeth whitening aspect of your dental practice and to deliver results through AADFA’s world-first technique which combines teeth whitening with facial skin rejuvenation in a single visit.

What you will learn during FLUORESCE ...

A graphic showing what you will learn about teeth whitening.
Philosophy of the best approach to Teeth Whitening
Necessary Treatment records, photography & consent
Proper Assisting protocols, product ordering and systems
The Law surrounding Dental Practitioners & Teeth Whitening – the right insurance & how to be protected
The Business of Teeth Whitening – how to market, how to charge, retail products
Relevant Anatomy, Chemistry & Physiology
The various sources of Teeth Discolouration
The best in-clinic Teeth Whitening - to light or not?
The best at-home Teeth Whitening
The best maintenance products & techniques
Contra-indications, Complications, Side Effects & how best to manage and avoid them

What is FLUORESCE about ...

Over the last few decades, teeth whitening has become the foundation of cosmetic dentistry, representing one of the most cost effective, minimally invasive, entry level options for patients wishing to enhance the appearance of their smile. During our AADFA training pathway we share a system for conducting an extra-oral examination which ALWAYS starts with taking a tooth shade for EVERY patient – such is the importance of whitening procedures in achieving the best overall aesthetic result and in driving business success.

However, recent years have also presented greater challenges to Dental Practices in maintaining perceived value of in-office procedures, in the face of growing competition from non-dentist teeth whitening services. More dental practitioners are now able to perform whitening themselves, but have received only limited training at best.

While dental practices have been diversifying into offering facial rejuvenation services as stand-alone therapies, often these services can be combined with traditional intra-oral dentistry to achieve the best results and to revitalise parts of traditional dentistry, like teeth-whitening, that may have started to wane.

Practitioners will surely be familiar with the results that can be achieved using in-office whitening treatments, but they may not be aware of the dramatic improvements that can be obtained through the concurrent use of cost-effective, pain-free LED rejuvenation therapy, which can be utilised by any member of the dental team.

FLUORESCE teaches dental teams all aspects of modern teeth whitening procedures and gives the opportunity to put these in to practice. From in-office to take-home; laser assisted to at-home strips, as well as the combined LED- whitening procedure – all are demonstrated on real patients!

Detailed guidance is provided on appropriate patient selection and the AADFA team will ensure proper informed consent is obtained prior to practical training.

Unlike most other teeth whitening programs, we discuss the best business approaches to teeth whitening and how to make it an outstanding profit centre, rather than just an after thought!

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